Young Christian Association FYCA started as a teens, Pentecostal fellowship in high school in 1980. The young can be filled with the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of tongues and prophesy Joel 2:28.
Youths and young adults to a life of good moral values with a support structure against violence, murders, teen rapes, modern day slavery, substance abuses and other societal vices. We strive to reach out to the well being of the minority youth, indigenous, young adult, Vets, Newcomers, along with trouble teens and alumni YCA adult members.
To assist with job placement, training and counseling. Gender bias(Females) and Youths facing barriers to employment (With no work experience, and other reasons affecting employment)
THE YCA VISION in College Campuses – High Schools
A campus atmosphere where the word of God strives through the Fellowship of the Young Christian Association Alumnus
The Young Christian Association began by the leading of the Holy Spirit when a group of youths were confronted with the situation that withheld the freedom of worshipping and moving in the gifts of the Holy Ghost as teenagers in a high school, this hindrances were put up by an organization who had a vision to reaching out to teens and youths. We strive to keep this Pentecost atmosphere.