1. Post video clips and segments of success stories, alerts through Media Electronic News Gathering (Working Together In Unity For Wellness and Our Moral Dreams) A youth effort drive to educate other teens, youths in the dynamic world of electronic news gathering (ENG) as well as journalistic, documentary, support for young Entrepreneurs and educational video production. Weather updates, Crime watch support reporting and healing support for young victims of crimes and violence. This project will work with the “Crisis Response Team”
To raise hope, trust, Joy in the hearts of teens/youths who have been victims of violence, abuse, abandonment, run away, school drop outs, substance abusers, and offenders. Visit Juvenile homes for support, and the healing process. The You Tube and Face book channel created will boast this moral venture for success and capacity. As well as publish teens/youths social and moral events in the community. The name of our You Tube Channel is “Youth Empire” for wellness/well-being.
2. Youth-Led Community Crisis Response Team
A youth-led, youth-driven project that addresses youth violent incident/crisis in a community (local neighborhood or community of common bond) and contribute to community capacity building and/or healing and well-being for most Vulnerable People (Youth) in low income neighbourhoods. Provide support, encouragement – visits until crisis is resolved – Healed. With supported by a City Community Development Officer (CDO) from the Community Crisis Response Program (CCRP) or the Youth Violence Prevention Community Development Officer from the Youth Development Unit of the locality chosen to assist with this project. A community elder/worker in our organisation heads the project.
3. Black Youth Support Community Initiative
Support the black youths and young adults, Job creation and moral impact in the local community/inner cities. Support other minority youths and young adult communities.
Specific Goals include:
Support a moral culture where youths can grow with a good well-being, through local initiatives that network the local youth, create Jobs and good moral cultural and spiritual strength for continuity
Strategy to succeed in our goals is to implement Well-being Recreation, Job empowerment training, mental health support and counseling, recreation bowling, basketball, up coming soccer team events. Working with our Crisis Response Team to meet vision capacity.
We measure our impact in our successes. We see the young generation gets support for education, moral cultural growth free of youth violence.
Our unique impact involves eliminating school drop out, less violence, Job creation – Spiritual moral culture awareness and understanding.
A few examples of successes are
- Passing out information on our social media against gangs acceptance, violence against youths by youths, against women, peer pressure, bullings, and other youth crimes.
2 Supported Community Youths To High School Diploma
3. Job Creation and employment (Job Empowerment Project/Training)
4. Carpooling New Comers To Job Locations
We try to engage as many black youths in the summer with our recreational events to promoting cultural safety and black african decent traditions, celebrating Black Excellence, challenging Anti-Black Racism, and/or removing financial barriers in our work in the community.Why apply key principles of non violence at the work place when racist atmosphere and activities by other young adult workers are experienced by the black youth – To always look to the Human Resource after a supervisor intervention if required, a safe and peaceful work environment is our vision for all Black Youth, and our Action Plan is geared towards that with community assistance of parents and elders.
Our top challenges are
1. Awareness
2. Funding
3. Equipment Van – Buses
4. Joy Hood (Joint Outreach for Youths in Our Neighborhoods) Project Youth Wellness, Social, Racial tolerance and unity, develop life skills, basic first aid, CPR, stress management, talent.
To modernize and/or adapt in providing online webinar training, website designing – developing skills, more awareness about our cause to draw in more volunteers, support for our
LOVE BOWL Recreational Tournament & SOCCER TEAM
amatuer game, recreation initiative for social impact, be able to draw awareness for upgrade, and new equipment. Sports partnerships – basketball tournament (CANADAHOOPS)Job Empowerment and community support
Camp Meetings are held once a year in various localities of the organization, and are organized to bring about unity, friendship, the love of the brethren, and revival of our founding vision. Various seminars and events are scheduled for the days of camp meetings to get all participants involved.